Welcome to Healing Thoughts!

Here’s what people are saying about this transformative community:

  • “Reading your posts is a gift. Each day is a new level of transformation for me, overcoming the past illusion and it's beliefs, emotions and thoughts, of my own creation.”

  • “What you share, shows me there is another person on this planet who understands my current place. As though your messages are that of a friend, lending the guidance and encouragement needed to push through this phase of evolution.”

  • “Thank you for letting me know each day doesn't have to be perfect and to extend myself some compassion.”

  • “Tears appear many times when reading what you share, as though to remind me I'm not as alone as I feel and to know everything is, and will be okay.”

About Healing Thoughts

Betrayed and left homeless, I found myself confined to my car, a place that quickly became both a prison of loneliness and a sanctuary for deep introspection.

The winds of Hamilton whispered their own tales of betrayal and sorrow, and amidst this somber backdrop, I clung to my journal for solace. Each word inscribed echoed the sting of betrayal, the weight of my heartache, and the glimmers of hope that flickered within.

Instead of letting despair overtake me, I decided to use this painful chapter of my life as a catalyst for profound change. My heartache was channeled into creative pursuits—finding solace in the embrace of nature, the therapeutic release of journaling, and embarking on a journey into the depths of my inner psyche.

Through the lens of my camera, I began documenting my journey and sharing it on social media. To my surprise, my raw vulnerability resonated with many, transforming me into an unexpected beacon of inspiration for those facing their own adversities.

This path of self-discovery led me to shadow work, an introspective practice deeply anchored in the ideologies of esteemed psychologists like Carl Jung and Sigmund Freud. By confronting and embracing my shadow, I found healing and redemption. Now, my ambition is to lead others along this same path of introspection and healing.

The inception of Healing Thoughts was born from these experiences, and as I embarked on this transformative journey, I invited a community to join me. Together, we sought solace, understanding, and collective growth. Our communal experiences, especially on platforms like TikTok and through my Daily Text Community, stand as a testament to the healing power of shared stories and mutual support.

In Healing Thoughts, I intertwine the wisdom of psychological trailblazers with the timeless teachings of ancient spiritual philosophies. The insights of Freud regarding the unconscious mind meld seamlessly with Hindu concepts of karma and dharma.

Carl Jung's profound understanding of archetypes finds harmony with the teachings of Buddhism's Noble Eightfold Path. This unique blend of psychology, spirituality, and my own personal journey has resulted in a compelling guide for self-discovery and holistic healing.

This newsletter isn't merely a compilation of words. It represents a tapestry of resilience, transformation, and hope. Every edition offers a beacon of light amidst the stormy waters of life, guiding readers through the complex labyrinth of the subconscious. It's a call to introspection, understanding, and most importantly, healing.

Here, in Healing Thoughts, vulnerabilities are not weaknesses but powerful narratives of strength and resilience. Every shared emotion, every tale of heartbreak and recovery, binds us together, creating a community that thrives on mutual support and understanding.

Believe in the transformative power of shared stories, for they are our compass in the darkest nights.

Why Subscribe?

The Healing Thoughts Newsletter is a transformative journey of growth and resilience, born from my personal adversities. It provides:

  • Authentic Storytelling: Personal insights and relatable experiences.

  • Comprehensive Coverage: Topics encompassing life, mental health, and personal growth.

  • Practical Exercises: Actionable tasks for personal transformations.

  • Interactive Community: A nurturing space for shared experiences.

  • Regular Updates: Consistent weekly reflections.

Subscription Options

  • Free: Access to weekly articles, community chat, and exclusive posts.

  • Premium ($40/year or $5/month): Enhanced content, voiceovers, exclusive exercises, and full archive access.

  • Founder ($60/year): Instant download of my journal prompt packs.

Value of Paid Subscription

Premium subscribers dive deeper into transformative content, benefiting from comprehensive guides, actionable strategies, and a supportive community. The subscription fee supports the continuous creation of high-quality content, expanding the reach of Healing Thoughts and funding larger projects.

Discover a haven of authentic storytelling, learn from practical exercises, and connect with a genuine community. Whether free or premium, the Healing Thoughts Newsletter is a gateway to self-discovery and collective growth. Your support helps further this mission, promoting personal growth while supporting a broader cause.

Feedback From Paid Subscribers

  • “I read your messages everyday. They are really helping me through a big decision I need to make. Extra information will only be more helpful.”

  • “This is just one small way I can send my gratitude to you for all the hard work you have put in, not just on YOURSELF, but in making content to guide all of us out here needing a light in the fog.”

  • “Thank you so much for being you.”

Vision & Mission

Healing Thoughts is more than a newsletter; it's a beacon for understanding, acceptance, and self-growth. This platform aims to be a sanctuary that illuminates the vast spectrum of human emotions, allowing both readers and myself to confront our inner challenges. My writings reflect my personal journey towards healing, forming the foundation for our thriving community.

I aspire for Healing Thoughts to expand beyond articles, branching into podcasts, visual narratives on platforms like YouTube, and culminating in a profound book on shadow work. I dream of a world that celebrates mental health discussions and where each individual dives deeper into self-understanding.

Your engagement is pivotal in realizing this vision. With your support, we're not just sharing content but launching a transformative movement.

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If you've found value in these pages and wish to pass that forward, consider donating a subscription below. This act not only sustains the publication but also extends its reach to those who might otherwise miss out. Together, let’s create a ripple of knowledge and enlightenment, making it accessible to all, regardless of financial capability. Thank you for considering, and thank you for being a vital part of this journey.

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From the Archives

Seize This Opportunity

Together, let's forge more than just a newsletter - let's create a legacy celebrating the resilience and passion of the human spirit. Your involvement elevates this journey, and for that, I'm profoundly thankful.

Why hesitate?

Dive into a transformative journey of self-awareness and healing now. Hit the subscribe button and join a tribe that cherishes strength, compassion, and self-improvement.

With boundless enthusiasm, let's set forth on this remarkable expedition.

I'm eager to see the peaks we'll climb and the hearts we'll inspire.

Join Healing Thoughts today, recognizing that healing is a journey we all embark upon.

About the Author

An Invocation to My Shadow

As I step into this sacred space of self-exploration, I summon the courage to meet the shadows that reside within me. I welcome you, my fears, my doubts, my regrets, with an open heart and a receptive spirit. I recognize you as parts of my whole self, fragments of my story that yearn to be heard, to be understood, to be integrated.

In this introspective journey, I choose to honor the darkness, for it is within you, my shadow, that my truest potential hides. I am ready to unveil the unacknowledged, the repressed, the parts of me that have been yearning for light.

I commit to truth, to authenticity, to the rawness of my being. I choose to embrace my vulnerability, to grow through my pain, to find strength in my weaknesses. I acknowledge that facing you, my shadow, is an integral part of my journey towards self-realization and wholeness.

I ask for guidance and wisdom as I delve into the hidden recesses of my psyche. May this journey bring healing, integration, and enlightenment. I am ready to meet you, my shadow, with acceptance and compassion. Here, in this space, I begin my voyage into the depths of my soul. This is my invocation to my shadow self. So be it.

Subscribe to Healing Thoughts

Embark on the mystical voyage of shadow work as I present you with a weekly spark of insight, one captivating tale at a time.


Ryan Puusaari is a leading authority in shadow work, dedicated to guiding individuals towards self-realization through the integration of their unconscious aspects.